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Code split  June 3, 2001 - 19:41PM - 
I intend to split the codebase in order to have seperate code for Windows and Linux, the main reason for doing this is due to the high score & configuration files handling.

Future releases will have linux.tcl and windows.tcl files which will have the system specific functions.
Version 0.3.0 Released  May 29, 2001 - 23:29PM - 
Major milestone, added a new default skin, virtually all the bugs fixed, added scoring and high-score table. Some other general improvements have been made.
Code update  May 22, 2001 - 22:04PM - 
The code has been updated to allow multiple skin files, grab the update from the cvs (you have to hit new game for the skin to kick in). Still haven't got around to fixing the linux bugs yet.
Source code uploaded  May 15, 2001 - 21:10PM -  Got the source code and data uploaded. Grab it from the sourceforge page.
Site Launched  May 15, 2001 - 21:03PM - 
The sites up :-)

TickleTux Hangman aims to bring computer Hangman into the modern age. It's planned capabilities include skinning, hi-scores and network play. The source code and graphics are released under GPL.

  Current development status (0.3.0)
Windows: Hangman game working along with the skinning and scoring, game is in a playable state.

Linux: Same stage at windows version.

 Gameplay issues
When you get a word right without running out of lives, the word then turns blue. When this happens press any key to go to the next round.
The rounds continue until you loose all your lives on a word, your score will then be calculated, if you got sufficient score to get on to the highscore table you will be prompted for your name.

 Help Wanted
Currently beta testers are needed for both Windows and Linux versions of the game.

New skins would also be appreciated see the skins-readme.txt file in the doc/ directory for information on creating skins.

A documentation writer would be nice too

I'm also looking for someone to take over development of the score.tcl file which contains all the highscore table handling functions.

I'd also like to hear what features people would like to see, so feel free to email me any comments or drop along to the OPN IRC network and talk to me.
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 ©2001 Imran Ghory  / Email me at ImranG@btinternet.com / Find me on OPN as Imran